New One of a Kind Leather Goods Inspired by our Honeymoon <3 <3 <3

New to the Ready To Ship collection: one of a kind leather goods inspired by our honeymoon


I really loved road tripping out west with my hubby. As we adventured via car, hiking boot, bike, and kayak… I imagined the history and imagined the faces of who the land used to belong to. I imagined myself on a horse traveling through the Midwest Plains that had us eager for mountains. We were not disappointed one bit in Montana or of Banff, Canada… in fact, they blew our minds. The West has a wild feeling that I soaked in before I made this small batch of leather goods.

The Native American art and museums we spent time in remind me that I have indigenous blood, and that working with my hands is something my ancestors have done. In fact, I just learned that my grandmother used to lace up leather Huaraches (leather shoes from Mexico) for work when she was younger.

I’ve never spent much time looking at Native art up close. Asides from the museum in Chicago, this state’s indigenous history is not apart of the culture here, compared to how much it is apart of the culture out in the West and in Canada. One Native art store we went to in a Canadian reservation territory, I was standing up close to some very old Native-made leather fringe bags. I studied the construction and the details and I felt powerfully connected to it because my leather bag’s construction look so similar.

It’s just so wild to see so much American Bison and Elk because it’s their hides that I frequently use in my work. I felt more and more apart of my craft that I ever have. So for this collection, I had to experiment with NICKEL BEAD CAPS on the fringe, a leather lace for the criss-cross details, and extra extra fringe.

I felt free and open to get creative because of the great energy we received on our honeymoon. This small batch is… well, small, but it’s mighty and I hope you enjoy it.



Alexz Sandoval